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The Natural Grocery Company

Aligning TNGC’s cybersecurity practices with insurer requirements to pave the way for reduced cyber insurance premium increases, enabled by Canary IT's expertise.

A leading organic food retailer partnered with Canary IT to align cybersecurity practices with insurer requirements, reducing premium increases from 38% to 3%.
By conducting a thorough cyber insurance gap analysis, TNGC and Canary IT identified critical improvements, enhancing TNGC’s cybersecurity posture and reducing financial risks.
TNGC now boasts strengthened cybersecurity defenses, ensuring robust protection against cyber threats while maintaining cost-effective insurance premiums.

About The Natural Grocery Company

The Natural Grocery Company (TNGC) is a leading retailer of organic foods, operating as the parent company for Flannerys Organic Wholefood Market, Kunara Organic Marketplace, and Fundies Lismore. Established in 2015, TNGC has grown to include 13 retail locations. Recently, TNGC faced rising cyber insurance premiums, which had surged by 38% over the past two years. To address this challenge, TNGC conducted a comprehensive cyber insurance gap analysis before submitting their annual application to their insurance company.


The Challenge

TNGC experienced a substantial increase in cyber insurance premiums due to misalignment with insurer requirements. The company needed to identify and address gaps in its cybersecurity practices to mitigate premium hikes and improve its overall security posture. 

The Solution

TNGC enlisted Canary IT to perform a detailed cyber insurance gap analysis. The project involved: 

  • Initial Assessment: Reviewing TNGC’s cybersecurity framework, policies, and incident response plans. 
  • Gap Analysis: Benchmarking TNGC’s practices against the insurance requirements to identify discrepancies. 
  • Detailed Report: Compiling a comprehensive report outlining identified gaps and necessary improvements. 
  • Risk Mitigation Plan: Providing a strategic plan to enhance TNGC’s cybersecurity measures and ensure alignment with industry standards. 

TNGC’s proactive approach with Canary IT resulted in a comprehensive risk mitigation plan, leading to a stable insurance excess and fortified cybersecurity framework.

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Business Outcomes

The gap analysis revealed critical areas needing improvement, including comprehensive information security policies, data classification policies, and the implementation of an Incident Response program with playbooks. TNGC swiftly implemented the recommended improvements, leading to significant benefits: 


  • Reduced Premium Increases: The premium increase was cut from 38% to just 3%. 


  • Stable Excess: Despite increasing the policy's covered value, the excess amount remained unchanged. 


  • Enhanced Cybersecurity: TNGC fortified its cybersecurity defenses, reducing the likelihood of future breaches. 

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